Stakeholder Engagement

Santen performs stakeholder dialogue because we think it is important to gain diverse views through such dialogue in order to reflect a wide range of views on our sustainability promotion activities.

Communication with Stakeholders

Patients/ Healthcare Professionals
  • Inquiries received at Customer Information Service: Click here for details.
  • Dialogue with healthcare professionals
  • Collection and provision of information on pharmaceuticals by our medical representatives
  • Provision of information through seminars
Shareholders and Investors
Business Partners/ Suppliers
  • Verification of conditions relating to legal and regulatory compliance systems, environmental conservation, and occupational health and safety at our pharmaceutical ingredient suppliers and outsource manufacturers: Click here for details.
The Visually Impaired
Community and Society

Distribution of Added Value to Stakeholders

The company emphasizes dialogue with stakeholders and appropriate distribution of added value gained through our business to our stakeholders.
Please see Social Data for the distribution of added value by stakeholder.

Enhance Information Disclosure

The company seeks to enhance information disclosure with the aim of establishing stakeholder engagement.

Disclosure of information relating to our business performance and financial conditions

Information relating to our business performance and financial conditions, including Medium-Term Management Plans, materials presented at financial results meetings, financial statements, Integrated Reports, and the Pipeline, is disclosed on our website.

Disclosure of information relating to Sustainability activities

Sustainability website provides detailed information on sustainability promotion activities based on Santen's CORE PRINCIPLE. In addition to report on the four major categories; Development and stable supply of socially significant products and services (Happiness with Vision), Encouragement of an Organizational Culture that Promotes Value Creation, Strengthening Governance, Contributing to the Realization of Fair and Equal Society and Conservation of the Global Environment, we identified 13 materialities. Furthermore, "Market Penetration of Products with Social Significance" and "Human Resource Development" have been identified as the most important materiality, which promotes our initiatives. We also disclose Environmental Data, Social Data and Governance Data. This sustainability website covers FY2023 and may include other periods as needed.

Response to Inquiries from Customers

In Japan, the company established the Customer Information Service to addressing inquiries from customers. The number of inquiries was 10,272 in FY2023. The subjects of inquiries include the quality and packaging of prescription/OTC pharmaceutical products (25.1%), diseases (21.7%), safety and usage precautions of pharmaceuticals (19.3%). We also received suggestions for improving our products and services.

We address inquiries relating to safety and products by collaborating with departments in charge of safety management and/or quality assurance, in order to promptly and properly collect information and provide such information for customers to promote appropriate use of our products.

Improvement of Our Products and Services Based on Valuable Customer Feedback

Valuable customer feedback received by our medical representatives (MRs), our Customer Information Service and other sections will be shared by our related departments. After fully examining the details, we will utilize the results in improving our products and services, thereby promoting the appropriate use of our products as well as sharing the insights among MRs to reflect the findings in our provision of pharmaceutical information.

Pursuing ideal bottle form

The Company believes that eye drop bottles are not mere containers, but essential tools for treatment. We have been working to create the ideal bottle form that patients find truly usable by listening to the voices of patients and medical professionals.

Case of improvement

"Just in", an attachment designed for eye-drops to be applied easily

We have launched in Japan "Just in", an attachment that makes the Dimple Bottle easier to use, which is an eyedropper aid designed for the patients who cannot easily aim eye-drops at the desired spot or cannot stop the eyedropper tip from touching the eye due to hand tremors or the like to apply eye-drops more easily.

An eye drop for eyewash "Well Wash Eye"

We have launched in Japan "Well Wash Eye", an eye drop for eyewash, which allows you to immediately wash the only eye on the spot when foreign substances such as dust and pollen enter the eye.

"Well Wash Eye"

Introducing plainer indications of storage methods and periods after the opening of aluminum packages

Our disposable pharmaceutical products are packaged in aluminum bags to maintain product quality. For some products, we have introduced indications of storage methods and periods after opening on the aluminum packages to impart necessary information plainly.

Communication with Investors and Shareholders

Communication opportunities


We hold quarterly financial results announcement meetings / conference calls for securities analysts and institutional investors. We also proactively participate in domestic conferences, small meetings and announcement meetings presented by securities companies. Furthermore, we frequently participate in overseas conferences for investors and visit our investors and shareholders to enhance dialogue.

Financial results announcement meeting

General meetings of shareholders

In order to provide opportunities for as many shareholders as possible to participate in our general meetings of shareholders, we set the dates of the meetings so as to avoid periods during which such meetings are concentrated. Furthermore, for the benefit of shareholders who cannot attend our general meetings, we provide them with opportunities to exercise their voting rights by mail as well as online. In order to ensure that our investors and shareholders have sufficient time to examine the agenda of our general meeting, we not only send our convocation notices one week earlier than required by law but also disclose the notices on our website prior to sending them. In addition, we disclose the videos of general meetings of shareholders on our website since FY2021.

Dialogue with the Employee Union

The Company engages in dialogues with employee unions. All Santen employees except corporate executives and some managerial personnel belong to Santen Group Worker's Union in Japan. At the end of March 2024, the number of union members is 1,108, which accounts for 70.4% of the total number of employees. The labor agreement that Santen Group Worker's Union has concluded with the company clearly provides that the company shall provide a place for discussions at the Management Council to enhance smooth business operations and labor-management communication concerning union members' welfare and working conditions, and that the company shall explain management policy, changes in the organizational structure and staff organization, budget and financial situation and so on at the Management Council.