You might experience some dry eye symptoms after cataract surgery because your tear film needs time to heal. So while the tear film is healing and unstable, your eyes won’t be moisturised as reliably.
Until your eyes are fully healed, avoid strenuous activity of any kind, like exercise, gaming, roller coasters. Any increase in eye pressure from these activities could further worsen your eyesight1.
1FAQ About Cataract Surgery, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Mount Sinai
A solution fit for everyday use, Hyalein® 0.1 boasts instant relief after a long day in your contacts.
1Yamguchi, Kutsuna, Maruo, Hara, Sustained effects of sodium hyaluronat on tear film stability evaluated by Tear Stability Analyss, Nippon Ganka Zasshi, 2011 Feb; 115 (2):134-41
2Kawahara M., et al. Journal of the Eye 21, 11:1561-1564, 2004
3Chang, W-H: Liu, P.Y.; Lin, M.H.; Lu, C-J.; Chou, H.Y., Nian, Applications of Hyaluronic Acid in Ophthalmology and Contact Lenses. Molecules 2021, 26, 2485.