Governance Data 2023

Corporate Governance

Structure of Board of DirectorsDirectorsPersons66687
Outside directorsPersons33355
Female directorsPersons11122
Structure of Board of Corporate AuditorsCorporate AuditorsPersons44444
Outside Corporate AuditorsPersons33333
Female Corporate AuditorsPersons11111
Meetings of the Board of Directors heldTimes1714141413
Meetings of the Board of Corporate Auditors heldTimes1010101011
Attendance rate for meetings of the Board of Directors
(Members of the Board)
Attendance rate for meetings of the Board of Directors
(Members of the Board of Corporate Auditors)
Attendance rate for the meetings of the Board of Corporate Auditors%100%100%100%100%100%


Annual compliance educationConsolidated%99%96%
Major compliance violationsConsolidatedCases00
Consultation and reporting receivedConsolidatedCases4535
 Corruption or BriberyConsolidatedCases0
 Discrimination or HarassmentConsolidatedCases10
 Customer Privacy DataConsolidatedCases0
 Conflicts of InterestConsolidatedCases2
 Money Laundering or Insider tradingConsolidatedCases0
Disciplinary actions takenConsolidatedCases26
Legal actions for corruption receivedConsolidatedCases00000
Lawsuit filed due to legal violationsConsolidatedCases00000
Breaches of client data reported to regulatorsConsolidatedCases00000
Regulatory complaints concerning marketing and selling practicesConsolidatedCases00000

Information Security

Information security breachesConsolidatedCases000

Policy Influence

Political contributionsNon-consolidatedMillions of yen44
Industry and business association participation feesNon-consolidatedMillions of yen5040
LobbyingNon-consolidatedMillions of yen00