Environment data 2023

The following performance indicators such as Scope1, Scope2, Scope3 categories 2 and 3, Total waste disposed, Total waste recycled/reused, Waste landfilled, Total hazardous waste disposed, Total hazardous waste recycled/reused and Hazardous waste landfilled are guaranteed by the third party to improve reliability. The independent third-party assurance report can be found on page 23 of the ESG Data Book.

Measures against Climate Change

Greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions trend by scope

<Scope1 and 2>(Unit: t-CO2)
Scope1 + Scope2 (Market-based) (*1,3)34,76734,02530,01222,61922,438-0.8%
Scope2 (Market-based)(*3)19,47119,16515,1925,6715,417-4.5%
Scope2 (Location- based)20,18719,56618,52521,39022,5915.6%
CO2 emissions per unit of revenue(*2) [t-CO2/billion yen]144136113817.4-8.3%
  1.  Total value of Scope1 + Scope2 (Location-based) in FY2018
  2.  From fiscal 2019 onward, the basic unit of consolidated revenue is calculated as the total of Scope1 + Scope2 (Market-based).
  3.  The value of emission on SBT base year includes CO2 emissions derived from gasoline for overseas sales vehicles (1,973 tons-CO2), as well as some different conversion factors used in the calculation.
    According to this calculation method, greenhouse gas emissions in FY2019 are 37,529 tons-CO2 for Scope 1 + Scope 2 (market basis), 17,420 tons-CO2 for Scope 1, and 20,109 tons-CO2 for Scope 2 (market basis).
(Unit: t-CO2)
Noto Plant
Scope1 + Scope2 (Market-based)(*1)
Scope2 (Market-based)-9,0218,9605,8340-100%
Scope2 (Location- based)-7,9087,5667,0877,2612.4%
Shiga Product Supply Center
Scope1 + Scope2 (Market-based)(*1)
Scope2 (Market-based)-2,9982,8182,3550-100%
Scope2 (Location- based)-4,1463,9443,7716,31867.5%
Nara Research and Development Center
Scope1 + Scope2 (Market-based)(*1)
Scope2 (Market-based)-1,5921,5271,3980-100%
Scope2 (Location- based)-2,2032,1372,0272,1415.6%
Shimoshinjo Office
Scope1 + Scope2 (Market-based)(*1)
Scope2 (Market-based)-182150149 
Scope2 (Location- based)-251210184 
Branch and Sales offices and others
Scope1 + Scope2 (Market-based)(*1)
Scope2 (Market-based)-5855074554795.3%
Scope2 (Location- based)-5855074554795.3%
Suzhou Plant(China)
Scope1 + Scope2 (Market-based)(*1)
Scope2 (Market-based)-5,0935,2025,0005,1923.8%
Scope2 (Location- based)-5,0935,2025,0005,1923.8%
  1. Total value of Scope1 + Scope2 (Location-based) in FY2018
<Scope3>(Unit: t-CO2)
1: Purchased goods and services(*1)142,215114,613138,182111,829106,743-4.5%
2: Capital goods(*2)5,9977,6006,7817,39323,574218.8%
3: Fuel and energy related activities not included in Scope1 and Scope2(*3)1,0782,1032,1891,67264-96.2%
4: Transportation and distribution (Upstream)6307635655175333.2%
5: Waste generated in operation4404894463163325.0%
6: Business travel2,7632,04133960995256.5%
7: Employee commuting1,6331,4851,24783098218.2%
12: End-of-life treatment of sold products22320720822027123.4%
CO2 emissions per unit of revenue [t-CO2/billion yen]8797088066476795.0%
  1. Based on the Scope 3 Category 1 calculation method used to calculate the value of emissions on SBT base year, the calculation method has been partially revised and the figures have been retroactively adjusted for FY2019 and beyond.
  2. For the purpose of improving the accuracy of the Category 2 calculation method, the calculation method has been partially revised and the figures have been retroactively adjusted for FY2018 and beyond.
  3. For the purpose of improving the accuracy of the Category 3 calculation method, the calculation method has been partially revised and the figures have been retroactively adjusted for FY2018 and beyond.
  4. Category 8,10,11,13-15 are not indicated, because of our business characteristics. Category 9 is not calculated and indicated, at present.

Greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions reporting boundary

  • Scopes 1 and 2: All of the facilities and sales offices in Japan, and major production facility in other countries (Suzhou Plant in China)
  • Scope 3 Category 2: All of the facilities and sales offices in Japan
  • Scope 3 Category 3: All of the facilities and sales offices in Japan

Greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions calculation standards

Scope1CO2 emissions associated with fuel use
<Calculation method>
Calculated based on fuel consumption x heating value per unit x fuel CO2 emission factor
<Emission factor>
Emission factor based on "Greenhouse gas emission calculation / reporting / publication system" (Ministry of the Environment)
Scope2CO2 emissions from the purchase of electricity and heat
<Calculation method>
Calculated based on electricity consumption x electricity CO2 emission factor + heat usage x heat CO2 emission factor.
<Emission factor>
(Japan) Electricity & Heat:Emission factor based on "Greenhouse gas emission calculation / reporting / publication system" (Ministry of the Environment)(China) Electricity:Emission factor of "关于做好2023—2025年发电行业企业温室气体排放报告管理有关工作的通知"(China Environmental Environment Department)
Scope3Scope3 CO2 emissions through the supply chain
<Calculation method>
The method of receiving emissions from business partners or calculated by multiplying the amount of activity in each category collected by the company by the emissions intensity based on the "Emissions intensity database for calculating greenhouse gas emissions of organisations through the supply chain" (Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, ver.3.3).
<Emission factor>
  • Category 1: Emissions associated with the purchase of raw materials / materials,
    [5] Input-output table-based emission intensity
    However, for purchases of raw materials and materials which account for a large proportion, CO2 emissions in the upstream of the supply chain are calculated proportionally based on the amount procured.
  • Category 2: Emissions associated with the capital goods
    [6] Emission intensity per price of capital goods <Secretariat> 06-0260 Emission intensity of pharmaceutical products
  • Category 3: Emissions associated with the procurement of fuel required to generate electricity for purchased electricity
    [7] Electricity emission intensity of "Emission intensity per electricity Scope3 / heat consumption"
  • Category 4: Obtain the result calculated by the fuel consumption method or the improved ton-kilo method from the transportation distance from our factory and distribution center to the delivery destination (pharmaceutical wholesale) from the contractor.
  • Category 5: Emissions associated with the disposal of discharged industrial waste
    [8] Emission intensity by waste type / treatment method Emission intensity by waste type of <Secretariat>
  • Category 6: Emissions associated with employee business trips, etc.
    [11] Emissions per unit of transportation expenses <Secretariat>, and [12] Emissions per number of nights <Secretariat>Emission intensity
  • Category 7: Emissions associated with employee commuting
    [11] Emissions per unit of transportation expenses <Secretariat> Emissions and emissions associated with the use of gasoline for commuting by car
  • Category 12: Emissions due to obligation to re-commercialize under the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law
    [9] Emission intensity by waste type <Secretariat> Applicable emission intensity such as waste brass and waste paper

Energy usage trend

(Unit: GJ)
Energy usage(*1)668,462651,669610,368635,562746,31717.4%
Energy usage per unit of revenue [GJ/billion yen]2,8562,6982,4452,3872,67512.0%
Purchased renewable energy(*2)351,615
  1. From FY2021, gasoline for domestic sales vehicles has been added.
  2. The purchased renewable energy consumption in GJ has been counted as energy consumption since FY2022, which is not deducted from energy usage.
Energy usage(Unit: GJ)
Operational siteFY2018FY2019FY2020FY2021FY2022Y/Y
Noto Plant241,750248,878250,863237,273241,9082.0%
Shiga Product Supply Center159,485153,698154,389151,794242,77659.9%
Nara Research and Development Center95,57297,86595,69698,028103,0085.1%
Shimoshinjo Office6,0855,3334,6244,171
Branch and Sales offices and others(*)3,9544,0503,09935,38036,1582.2%
Suzhou Plant (China)111,632106,503101,698108,916122,46712.4%
Tampere Plant (Finland)49,98435,342
  • From 2021, gasoline for domestic sales vehicles has been added.

Renewable energy trend

(Unit: MWh)
Solar energy generation(*1)11121212120.7%
Purchased renewable energy(*2)5811,591-6,54736,220453.2%
  1. Generated by solar energy equipment installed in Nara Research and Development Center, which is deducted from energy usage.
  2. Not deducted from energy usage

Reducing Our Environmental Impact

Waste reduction and recycling trend(Unit: tons)
Total waste disposed(*1)3,1783,2012,9852,7023,02512.0%
Total waste recycled/ reused(*1)2,8883,0652,9512,6622,97911.9%
Amount of waste reduced(*2)362925262911.6%
Waste landfilled(*3)2541079.5141720.1%
Waste disposal per unit of revenue[tons/billion yen]13.613.312.
Recycling rate(*4)[%]90.9%95.8%98.9%98.5%98.5%0.0%
(Unit: tons)
Thermal recycling amount89074377263798654.9%
Material recycling amount1,7992,2452,1612,0251,993-1.6%
Waste incinerated without energy recovery000222933.9%
Recycling rate (excluding thermal recycling)(*5)[%]56.6%70.1%72.4%74.9%65.9%-12.1%
(Unit: tons)
Operational siteFY2018FY2019FY2020FY2021FY2022Y/Y
Noto PlantTotal waste disposed1,7931,8651,7161,6491,7777.8%
Total waste recycled/ reused1,7931,8651,7161,6491,7777.8%
Waste landfilled0.
Shiga Product Supply CenterTotal waste disposed67174383766876714.9%
Total waste recycled/ reused67174383766876714.9%
Waste landfilled0.
Nara Research and Development CenterTotal waste disposed7380546354-13.7%
Total waste recycled/ reused7278526152-14.3%
Waste landfilled0.
Suzhou Plant (China)(*6)Total waste disposed148179248153316105.9%
Total waste recycled/ reused5475220118272130.2%
Waste landfilled941049131621.6%
Shimoshinjo・Umeda Office(*7)Total waste disposed23199130169110-34.7%
Total waste recycled/ reused6290126166110-33.6%
Waste landfilled1590.
  1. Including valuable materials.
  2. Amount not effectively used and reduced by intermediate treatment such as dewatering
  3. Total amount of residual waste landfilled after incineration and waste directly landfilled
  4. Total waste recycled/ reused / Total waste disposed
  5. (Total waste recycled/ reused - Thermal recycling amount) / Total waste disposed
  6. In setting the long-term target, we confirmed the treatment status of the waste disposal contractor at the Suzhou Plant and reviewed the aggregation method from FY2020
  7. Waste emissions from sales offices and other offices increased temporarily due to the disposal of residual equipment, etc. associated with the sale of the former head office and Osaka factory in FY2018.

Hazardous Waste (*1)

(Unit: tons)
Total waste disposed16590255184.6%
Total waste recycled/ reused64243279.7%
Amount of waste reduced(*2)220
Waste landfilled(*3)413
Thermal recycling amount64243279.6%
Material recycling amount00
Waste incinerated without energy recovery00
Hazardous waste disposal per unit of revenue[tons/billion yen]0.660.330.91173.5%
Japan (Specially controlled industrial waste emissions)
Total waste disposed13209-55.0%
Total waste recycled/ reused209-55.0%
Amount of waste reduced00
Waste landfilled00
Thermal recycling amount209-55.0%
Material recycling amount00
Waste incinerated without energy recovery00
China (Hazardous waste)
Total waste disposed15270246253.4%
Total waste recycled/ reused44234431.8%
Amount of waste reduced220
Waste landfilled413218.5%
Thermal recycling amount44234431.7%
Material recycling amount00
Waste incinerated without energy recovery00
  1. According to the laws and regulations of each country, we have defined “Hazardous Wastes” as below.
    Japan : Waste that falls under the category of specially controlled industrial wastes under the "Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law"
    China : Wastes listed in the National Hazardous Waste Inventory by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China
  2. Amount not effectively used and reduced by intermediate treatment such as dewatering
  3. Total amount of residual waste landfilled after incineration and waste directly landfilled

Air pollutants emission trend

<Santen Group>(Unit: tons)
SOx(sulfur oxides)(*1,2)
NOx(nitrogen oxides)(*1,2)
VOC(volatile organic compounds)(*2)41464245487.5%
  1. Emission is estimated based on results from regular examinations.
  2. Suzhou Plant in China is excluded until year ended March 31 2020.

Water pollutants emissions trend

(Unit: tons)
BOD(biochemical oxygen demand)(*1,2)
COD(chemical oxygen demand)(*1,2)
  1. Emission is estimated based on results from regular examinations.
  2. Suzhou Plant in China is excluded until year ended March 31 2020.

PCB storage

Polychlorinated biphenyl holdings [kg]00000-

We have no PCB-containing equipment in our business sites since March 2017.
In March 2017, we completed, through a nationally designated service provider, appropriately disposing of the three PCB-containing fluorescent light ballasts that had been stored at our former Osaka Plant, and making them harmless.

Water usage trend

(Unit: thousand m3)
Water usageTotal55958854252161217.6%
Tap water14915411212514919.4%
Industrial water121961048914259.2%
Water usage per unit of revenue [thousand m3/billion yen]Usage2.
Water usage per production quantity(*1) [m3/10,000 units]Usage12.412.113.414.79.7%

  1. In FY2022, water consumption increased temporarily due to the launch of a new building at the Shiga Product Supply Center. If this effect is deducted, the water usage per production quantity in FY2022 is 13.5m3/ 10,000 bottles.
<Operational site>(Unit: thousand m3)
Operational siteFY2018FY2019FY2020FY2021FY2022Y/Y
Noto PlantUsage2943433323133274.5%
Shiga Product Supply CenterUsage107931119917071.9%
Nara Research and Development CenterUsage55524445474.0%
Branch and Sales offices and othersUsage3.
Suzhou Plant (China)Usage586153626810.1%

<Reference>Environmental Data (Japan)

Overview of Environmental Load (2022)

  1. Gasoline input is mainly input from commercial vehicle.
  2. Emission is based on results from regular examinations.

Greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions trend by scope

(Unit: t-CO2)
Scope1 + Scope2 (Market-based)(*1)24,80428,87727,74226,73715,646-41.5%
Scope2 (Market-based)14,37813,96310,191479-95.3%
Scope2 (Location-based)10,41415,09414,36413,52516,19919.8%
CO2 emissions per unit of revenue [t-CO2/billion yen]14415415712380-35.0%
  1. Total value of Scope1 + Scope2 (Location-based) in FY2018

Energy usage

(Unit: GJ)
Energy usage506,846509,824508,670526,647623,85018.5%
Energy usage per unit of revenue[GJ/billion yen]2,8762,7922,7332,7603,17315.0%

Waste reduction and recycling trend

(Unit: tons)
Total waste disposed2,7682,7872,7372,5482,7096.3%
Total waste recycled/ reused2,5982,7762,7312,5432,7076.4%
Amount of waste reduced1011652-52.9%
Waste landfilled1600.

PRTR substances handled

(Unit: tons)
Boron and its compounds0.

Prevention of environmental pollution

 Noto PlantShiga Product Supply CenterNara Research and Development Center
Air pollutionSoot and dust[g/Nm3]
Water contaminationpH 5.8∼8.67.3∼8.05.0∼9.07.3∼7.95.0∼9.06.3∼7.9
Vibration levelsNoon[dB]654470306529

Criteria values are specified according to the agreements with the municipalities where the workplaces are located.

Environmental conservation effect

 UnitYear ended March 31Environmental
burden change
% Change
EnergyTotal energy usageGJ526,647623,85097,20318.5%
GasThousand m³2,6633,46480130.1%
Heavy Oilkℓ2,0022,034321.6%
Heating and CoolingGJ1,3721,76839628.9%
Water resourcesTotal water usageThousand m³4595448618.6%
Tap waterThousand m³63811828.6%
Industrial waterThousand m³891425359.6%
Well waterThousand m³307321144.6%
MaterialsRaw and other materialstons4,7785,1243467.2%
Global warmingCO2 (*)tons26,73715,646-11,091-41.5%
Atmospheric pollutantsSox (sulfur oxides)tons1.
NOx (nitrogen oxides)tons440.00.0%
VOC(volatile organic compounds)tons45461.12.4%
Water pollutantsDischarged waterThousand m³3944899524.1%
BOD(biochemical oxygen demand)tons3.43.40.0-0.2%
COD(chemical oxygen demand)tons2.73.20.520.0%
SS(suspended solids)tons5.
Waste materialsTotal waste disposedtons2,5482,7091616.3%
Total waste recycled/ reusedtons2,5432,7071636.4%
Waste landfilledtons0.30.2-0.1-43.8%
  • Market-based


Reporting boundary

Japan: All facilities including sales offices.
Other countries: Principal production facilities, Suzhou Plant (China).

Guidelines referenced

These data have been prepared with reference to the Environmental Reporting Guidelines (2018 edition, Ministry of the Environment of Japan), the Basic Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain (Ministry of the Environment of Japan / Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, Ver. 2.5), the Environmental Accounting Guideline (2005 edition, the Ministry of the Environment of Japan), the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, the Emissions intensity database for calculating greenhouse gas emissions of organisations through the supply chain (Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, ver.3.3), and the GRI Standards.

Numerical results

Total numbers may not always match, due to the effect of rounding and other reasons.