
Santen recognizes that our business activities are supported by the benefits of the interactions among diverse living organisms. We strive globally to protect biodiversity by harmonizing our business activities with the natural environment.

Santen Group Biodiversity Policy

Santen Group Biodiversity Policy

The Santen Group contributes to sustainable global environments based on our CORE PRINCIPLE, Tenki ni sanyo suru*. We recognize the importance of biodiversity, the fountain of benefits derived from ecosystems, including water, which is the most important element in ophthalmic solutions. We pursue the following activities toward becoming nature positive.

  1. Integrated efforts
    We strive to preserve biodiversity, foster decarbonize societies, and create recycling-oriented societies in an integrated manner, ensuring the clear vision of a beautiful world for all.

  2. Impact assessments
    We assess the impact of our supply chain and other business activities on biodiversity.

  3. Business activities and conservation
    We conduct business activities in consideration of ecosystems, preventing water, air, and soil pollution, and avoiding forest destruction. We avoid and reduce impacts in areas related to our business that are highly important from the perspective of biodiversity.

  4. Use of ecosystem services
    We aim for sustainable procurement and the sustainable use of ecosystem services in our business activities.

  5. Use and management of genetic resources
    As a company that develops and supplies pharmaceuticals around the world, we use and manage genetic and other biological resources appropriately, complying with local and international rules.

  6. Communication and partnership
    We communicate with domestic and international NGOs, educational and research institutions, local governments, supply chains, etc., seeking collaboration and cooperation in conserving biodiversity.

  7. Education
    We conduct education and awareness-raising activities for employees regarding biodiversity conservation.

Tenki ni sanyo suru: Santen's original interpretation of a passage from chapter 22 of Zhongyong (The Doctrine of the Mean) by Confucius, meaning "Exploring the secrets and mechanisms of nature in order to contribute to people' health"

This policy has been approved by President & CEO.

Our Impact on Ecosystems Near Major Facilities

We assess and endeavor to avoid or mitigate our impact on ecosystems near our businesses. In March 2024, we assessed physical risks and ecological conditions in areas near major manufacturing sites and the research laboratory using the WWF Biodiversity Risk Filter. We confirmed that our domestic manufacturing sites and research laboratory do not fall within or exist adjacent to natural environment conservation areas as stipulated by the Nature Conservation Act and prefectural ordinances.

WWF Biodiversity Risk Filter Assessment Results
FacilityLocationPhysical Risk/
Ecological Condition
(10-Stage Assessment)
Noto PlantIshikawa Prefecture,
Shiga Product Supply CenterShiga Prefecture,
Nara R&D CenterNara Prefecture,
Suzhou PlantJiangsu Province,

Dialogues With Stakeholders

Santen hold dialogues with stakeholders to understand the expectations and desires of external parties, incorporating this feedback in our activities. In March 2024, we invited Dr. Shin-ichi Meguro, Senior Researcher at the Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies to discuss specific initiatives related to protecting biodiversity.


Employee Education and Awareness Activities


We believe increasing the knowledge and awareness of our employees is an important part of biodiversity conservation. In March 2024, we invited Dr. Shin-ichi Meguro to give a lecture on Biodiversity and True Nature, mainly for employees of the Shiga Product Supply Center. During the lecture, Dr. Meguro explained the role of forests as the foundation of ecosystems and discussed forest preservation.

Lecture presentation cover slide

Forest Conservation Activities

We conduct forest protection activities to conserve biodiversity and water resources. Our Noto Plant endorses and supports the activities of the Hodatsusan Water Resources Forest Association, the work of which protects the forests surrounding Mt. Hodatsu. Mt. Hodatsu is an important water source in the region.