Ongoing Clinical Trials

Details for each clinical trial are shown in clinical trial registries and databases linked on the table below.

Targeted DiseasePhaseDev. codeRegionTrial ID and URL
Mybomian gland dysfunction2STN1010905JapanjRCT2031240171Page will open in a new window.
Myopia2STN1013400JapanjRCT2031230110Page will open in a new window.
Glaucoma / Ocular hypertension3STN1013900JapanjRCT2031210125 Page will open in a new window.
Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy2STN1010904U.S.
NCT05376176Page will open in a new window.
2022-000174-25Page will open in a new window.
(Link for the site is here, only in Chinese)
Allergic conjunctivitis3STN1011403ChinaCTR20234212
(Link for the site is here, only in Chinese)

If you have any questions for each clinical trial, please refer to the contact information indicated on the clinical trial registries and databases.