Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Santen will proactively incorporate diverse individuals and values, irrespective of nationality, age, or beliefs, thereby enhancing our business activities and corporate value.

Information regarding diversity and work-life-balance is disclosed on Social Data.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy

The Company has established the "Santen Group Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy" to promote diverse, equitable and inclusive policies, standards and practices that provide equality of opportunity for all and promote respect at work. We are committed to ensuring a safe, inclusive, respectful and supportive physical and virtual work environment for every Santen employee.

The Company is committed to provide equal opportunities and fair treatment in employment. We do not accept unlawful discrimination in our recruitment or employment practices on any grounds including but not limited to, sex, gender, nationality, ethnicity, race, color, native or indigenous origin, disability, age, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy and maternity, sexual orientation, gender identity, expression or reassignment, HIV or AIDS status, parental status, employment status, military and veterans status, flexibility of working arrangements, religion or belief.

DE&I Education

Santen's contributions and business growth require the demonstration and mobilization of the diverse strengths of every individual, and we are working to foster a workplace that respects diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I). Organizations that leverage diversity bring richer perspectives, ideas and creativity, driving innovation and better decision-making.

In FY2023, we held the "DE&I Webinar Series" as part of our efforts on gender diversity theme, and the participation rate of the target audience was 86%.

  • Success Stories of Women at Santen
  • Inclusive Workplace – Empowering Women in Their Careers at Santen

Gender Diversity

May in 2021, Santen announced further reinforcement of its stance to gender diversity. The Company has joined the "30% Club Japan", which is an international campaign to achieve gender balance at corporate decision-making bodies such as the Board of Directors and senior management teams. Santen has also signed the CEO Statement of Support for the Women's Empowerment Principles in support of the principles.

We aim to increase the percentage of female board members to 30% by 2030.

Female managers rate on a consolidated basis is 40% as on track.

In Japan, we formulated and began executing an action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life and the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.

Our action plan for April 2024 to March 2026 is as described below.

[Action Plan Targets (April 2024 to March 2026)]

  1. Increase the ratio of women in management (Japan) to at least 20%.
  2. Hold regular internal training and seminars (at least four times yearly) to improve knowledge and foster understanding of employees who are balancing childbirth, childcare, nursing care, etc.
  3. Increase the rate of male employees taking childcare leave to at least 80%. Increase the average number of days taken for childcare leave (including internal leave for childcare) to at least 20 days.
  4. Reduce the ratio of employees who work overtime or holidays exceeding 30 hours per month to less than 3.5% of all employees (excluding managers and supervisors)
  5. Increase the average number of days taken for annual paid leave, special leave (excluding congratulatory or condolence leave), and accumulated paid leave to at least 15 days yearly.

Providing an Inclusive Environment for People with Disabilities

The Company promotes the employment of people with disabilities and is focused on ensuring an inclusive work environment.

Joining the Valuable 500 international initiative


The Valuable 500 is an international initiative to call on business leaders to foster innovations enabling people with disabilities to realize their potential value in society, business, and the economy. As a member of The Valuable 500 since January 2021, Santen will pursue business possibilities for the realization of an inclusionary society and sustainable development.

Co-creation with employees with visual impairments

We emphasize employment and occupational development for people with visual impairments and conduct awareness-raising activities for blindness and visual impairment both internally and externally through the “Blind Experience,” a program led by employees with visual impairments that provides “experience without the sense of sight.” In addition, another program designed based on the experience of working with visually impaired employees, has been implemented globally to provide all employees with the opportunity to experience working in a “blind” environment. By sharing insights and ideas that enable everyone to work smoothly, it encourages the creation of a comfortable work environment for everyone, whether visually impaired or fully sighted.


Building Inclusive Society

Claire, a special subsidiary company established to facilitate the employment of persons with disabilities, located on the premises of Shiga Product Supply Center, was established in 1997 with the aim of "proactively fulfilling the corporate social responsibility of expanding opportunities to employ persons with disabilities as well as to provide opportunities and places for them to find their life and work meaningful." Claire’s main businesses are the cleaning of work clothes used in Santen plants in Japan, cleaning and preparation for the manufacturing processes at the Shiga Product Supply Center, and business office delivery services at the Osaka office. In addition, the company also receives orders from other companies.

Claire supports various activities and efforts of persons with disabilities, including by providing opportunities for training sessions and encouraging employees to take part in the Abilympics, nationwide skill competitions for persons with disabilities.

Claire got certified as a company which persons with disabilities work actively by Japan Association of Employers of Persons with Severe Disabilities, which is a trustee organization entrusted to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in January 2019. The reason of the certification was that it was recognized for its implementing advanced initiatives to provide a work environment for supporting the retention of persons with disabilities, promoting proactively and continually hiring persons with disabilities, and having reliability and sociality. In addition, in September 2021, the company received certification from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as an excellent small and medium-sized employer employing people with disabilities (Monisu certification) in recognition of its excellent efforts to promote and stabilize the employment of people with disabilities.

Cleaning of work clothes

Preparation of manufacturing process

Business office delivery services at the Osaka office

The certification mark as a company which persons with disabilities work actively
Certification mark of "Excellent Small and Medium-sized Employer Employing Persons with Disabilities (Monisu certification)

In December 2023, Claire received the Corporate Philanthropy Award, Shining Together for a Symbiotic Society, at the Corporate Philanthropy Awards (sponsored by the Japan Philanthropic Association). This award recognizes companies that contribute solutions to social issues through in-house management resources.

Beyond considerations of employment and welfare, the Association recognized our company for how we communicate our ideal regarding education from the standpoint of a special-purpose subsidiary employing adults with intellectual disabilities. We were also recognized as an employer who supports independent living for individuals with intellectual disabilities by involving schools, support groups, families, and others.

The employment rate of persons with disabilities is disclosed on Social Data.