What is Claire?


Santen established Claire Co., Ltd. in 1997 as a special subsidiary. Focused on cleaning sterile clothing essential for the production of eye drops, Claire also provides other contract services, including light work at production sites, general affairs, accounting, and other office-related support services. The company has 41 employees, 32 of whom have intellectual disabilities (as of April 1, 2024).

Claire has a long track record operating as a special-purpose subsidiary and as a cleaning business. The company welcomes tour and observation groups from national, prefectural, and local government agencies, support schools, employment support organizations, and private companies every year. The company strives to improve systems for accurate and efficient work processes to ensure people with disabilities take the initiative in carrying out their work. The company also uses a leader and sub-leader system for employees to advance by utilizing skills, experience, and personal attributes, supporting career paths in line with the wishes of the individual in question.

Miwako Asai,
President of Claire Co., Ltd.

Contributing to Patients as a Member of the Santen Group


Claire plays an important role in aseptic and dust-free cleaning of work clothes, an essential part of the Santen production process, contributing to the health and safety of Santen Group employees and patients at large. Every employee is committed to their daily work, conducting themselves with a sense of mission and taking personal responsibility.

The cleaning business never knows the volume of clothes to be cleaned until the day of delivery. In addition to this daily fluctuation in volume, the company has had to deal with labor shortages in the wake of COVID-19. Even employees conscientious in prevention have been unable to report for work at times due to various symptoms or infections among close family members. Despite the challenges, employees work together to devise ways to maintain efficiency, ensuring that shipments are delivered every day to meet deadlines that may consist of one- or two-day turnarounds. Claire has a strong desire to play a role in ophthalmic pharmaceutical manufacturing through consistent quality and delivery deadlines, whether the challenge be the COVID-19 pandemic or a heavy snowfall. 

Cleaning team at work

Flexibility Through Diversity


Claire not only performs cleaning, but also endeavors to expand the scope of work to manufacturing preparation and facilities cleaning in support of manufacturing locations. Some Claire employees have secured forklift and building maintenance certification, and others have received training in GMP, a standard for pharmaceutical manufacturing and quality control related to pharmaceutical products and necessary for factory production line operations. Employees with these work certifications play active roles on the Santen production lines. To respond to fluctuating workloads at different work sites, Claire continues to strive for day-to-day workforce flexibility, offering cleaning and janitorial services on days when production lines are idle. Section leaders and sub-leaders manage cleaning teams, exercising the most responsibility among members with disabilities. These leaders and sub-leaders are also entrusted with managing the work process and providing guidance to younger employees. The cleaning team leaders and sub-leaders work closely with their leaders to confirm the workflow of others and ensure products are shipped on time and that work is performed appropriately, in full, and by a given deadline.

Sub-leader working on site


Simplifying processes is also important for ease of understanding and accurate performance by all. These efforts benefit not only team members with disabilities, but are also very useful when handing over responsibilities to new workers or subcontractors. It is also worth mentioning that the company is fortunate to have leader employees to organize and visualize business processes in a logical manner. For example, an employee who joined the company in 2016 as an assistant finance and accounting manager received an assignment as leader after some time. This person now manages all aspects of the Claire business, coordinating work with members in a managerial role. To avoid having employees work overtime when receiving a high volume delivery or when workers are in short supply, teams communicate among themselves to assess the situation and make appropriate adjustments. For any complex processes, she will draft procedure manuals to post on walls, etc., ensuring members can perform work independently. She also considers the situation of each member, combining variables such as workload, work compatibility, and interpersonal compatibility. 

Manager meeting with a Santen employee

Of course, the work-related efforts of every employee are important and necessary. Many examples of motivated employees exist, including persistent and repeated efforts to complete tasks, coming in early every day to study before work, and more. Claire employees are proud of their loyalty, dedication, and ambition.

Supporting the Creation of Inclusive Society


The challenges of employees with disabilities in establishing themselves in the workforce can extend beyond the workplace to their personal lives. Claire works closely with support organizations, government agencies, family members, and other stakeholders on a daily basis to provide support for employees with disabilities to live their lives outside of work, encouraging social independence. Some employees have even been inspired by their experience in the company to get involved in sports for people with disabilities, making a difference in the community and becoming even more energized in their work.

Shiga prefecture sports festival for the disabled (bowling)

Claire continues to support Santen manufacturing site through hard work and ingenuity, delivering stable, safe pharmaceutical products to patients around the world by leveraging the diversity of each individual.