Analyst Coverage

List of Analysts

What follows is a list of analysts engaging in the research of Santen. This list has been created on the basis of our criteria and information available to us. Each analyst's opinions, forecast and recommendations concerning our business results are entirely his or her own, and Santen or its management has by no means involved in the making of said opinions, forecast, or recommendations. Presentation of this list is meant only to provide you with information concerning analysts engaged in the research of Santen and not to solicit you to buy our stocks.
Company name (Alphabetical order)Analyst in charge
BofA Securities Japan Co., Ltd.Koichi Mamegano
Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc.Hidemaru Yamaguchi
Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd.Kazuaki Hashiguchi
Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd.Akinori Ueda
Jefferies (Japan) LimitedStephen Barker
JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd.Seiji Wakao
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.Hiroshi Tanaka
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd.Shinichiro Muraoka
Tokai Tokyo Intelligence Laboratory Co., Ltd.Takashi Akahane
UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd.Fumiyoshi Sakai